Organic agri-food certification is Ecogruppo Italia’s pivotal and most representative activity. The certification process for organic products lays its foundations on the EU Regulation 848/2018 which replaced, taking its legacy, the previous Regulation (EC) No. 834/2007.

Ecogruppo Italia (code number IT BIO 008) is authorized by MASAF, the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, pursuant to Legislative Decree 23 February 2018 No. 20 – DM No. 0612368 of 29 November 2022, by the European Union and by the Italian Accreditation Body ACCREDIA, based on the ISO/IEC 17065 standard.

In order to produce and sell organic products, you must register with a control body officially recognized by the national Ministry. That’s why we are here: you can contact Ecogruppo Italia, as we are authorized to certify and verify compliance with the EU regulation.

To start, you must first identify the portion of your land area destined for organic farming and then communicate your intentions to a competent local body. At the same time, you also need to notify the Ministry.