Ecogruppo Italia is a control and certification body that has been operating in the field of organic and sustainable production for over 30 years, in areas that mainly concern agriculture, manufacturing and the processing industry. Also, thanks to strong partnerships with foreign organizations, it provides the certification required for the export of national agri-food products to the majority of non-EU countries, thus contributing to spreading the “Made in Italy” reality abroad.
Ecogruppo Italia’s headquarters are located in Catania, Sicily, and from there, it coordinates five regional branches (Piemonte, Lombardia, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria) and a team of inspectors scattered across the country. As far as organic and integrated farming are concerned, the company has received permission from the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry (MASAF) to carry out compliance checks, aimed at issuing certifications for commercial purposes.
For its controlled operators, Ecogruppo Italia issues specific certificates of inspection (COIs) on the TRACES (Trade Control and Export System) platform, to carry out transactions with operators located in the European Community.
Since 2009, Ecogruppo Italia has also been a NATRUE Approved Certifier (NAC): accredited by IOAS, we have official permission to certify raw materials and finished cosmetic products under the NATRUE label, which today identifies over 6,700 products worldwide.
The team was built in 1992 from the will of people who believe in a sustainable, responsible development. At that time, organic farming was already taking its first steps, as a result of the former European regulation (EEC Reg. No. 2092/91). In 1996 the company, which would already cover the entire national territory, obtained official authorization from the Italian Ministry to carry out checks and issue certifications in organic farming.
In 2020, the European Commission gave Ecogruppo Italia permission to carry out control and certification activities for agrifood goods destined for the European market and produced in third-party countries. To date, nearly 5,000 operators are certified by us.

Ecogruppo Italia aims at developing and promoting, on an international scale, a reliable and impartial control and certification system, based on the trust between the consumer and the professional. Quality standards, as well as compliance with national and international regulations help achieve this, but it is the synergy of efficient human, technical and economic resources the key to competing in the market in terms of profitability and transparency.